MEDIA ADVISORY—New Metropolitan Planning Council report offers solutions to stem Lake Michigan water loss - Metropolitan Planning Council

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MEDIA ADVISORY—New Metropolitan Planning Council report offers solutions to stem Lake Michigan water loss

Report supports Ill. Dept. of Natural Resources proposals to modernize Lake Michigan water permit conditions, makes further recommendations

(Chicago) … Best estimates suggest northeastern Illinois loses enough Lake Michigan water each week to fill more than one Willis Tower – but that figure may be even higher. To improve the information collected about regional water loss and, ultimately, to reduce waste, the Ill. Dept. of Natural Resources (IDNR) has proposed modernizing regulations for Lake Michigan water users. On Tuesday, May 7, at an event from noon to 1:30 p.m., in Chicago, the nonprofit Metropolitan Planning Council will release its latest report, “Immeasurable Loss: Modernizing Lake Michigan Water Use,” which supports IDNR’s proposals and makes further recommendations.

“We know northeastern Illinois is losing Lake Michigan water – and with it, the money rate payers contributed to pumping, treating and distributing this water,” said Metropolitan Planning Council Program Director Josh Ellis. “Yet we do not have a clear picture of how much water or how much money we are wasting because the way Illinois grants Lake Michigan water permits does not capture data that identify the causes of loss and solutions to prevent it. That’s just one reason why the Metropolitan Planning Council supports the Ill. Dept. of Natural Resources’ proposals to change the permit process.”

For more information about IDNR’s proposed rule changes, please see

At MPC’s May 7 event, representatives from IDNR, Village of Westmont and Illinois American Water (event sponsor), as well as Ellis, will explain how these reforms will help communities and the region better identify the causes of loss – and most importantly, develop solutions to prevent future water loss. Media are invited to attend the event free of charge, but must register in advance with MPC’s Mandy Burrell Booth,, or Ariel Ranieri, Media may obtain an advanced copy of MPC’s report, which is embargoed until May 7 at 1:30 p.m., by contacting Burrell Booth.

IDNR is taking comments on the proposed rule changes by email, as well as at three public meetings taking place across the region on May 14, 15 and 22. Details on the public hearing are available on our web site Attendees are asked to RSVP to, noting the chosen location, by May 8.

WHAT: Roundtable discussion on Ill. Dept. of Natural Resources proposed changes to Lake Michigan water permit conditions, and release of new Metropolitan Planning Council report, “Immeasurable Loss: Modernizing Lake Michigan Water Use,” which supports IDNR’s proposal and makes further recommendations

WHEN: Tuesday, May 7, 2013, noon to 1:30 p.m.

Dan Injerd, Chief, Lake Michigan Management Section, Ill. Dept. of Natural Resources
Michael Smyth, Sr. Manager of Field Services and Production, Illinois American Water
Mike Ramsey, Public Works Supervisor, Village of Westmont
Josh Ellis, Program Director, Metropolitan Planning Council

WHERE: Metropolitan Planning Council, 140 S. Dearborn St., Ste. 1400, Chicago, Conference Center


  1. 1. Milad from ixYQZGDGMh on July 2, 2013

    I do think he had a pretty good euxcse for being out in the timing but nevermind.He wil lbe a loss at the BOE.Really good speeches if you ever have the time to read them.

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