Show your Chicago rivers pride with one of our awesome t-shirts! All proceeds benefit the Our Great Rivers cause.
It's official! The City of Chicago—with the help of MPC, Friends of the Chicago River, CMAP and many, many others—has its first ever long-term vision for Chicago's rivers!
To celebrate, we created some nifty t-shirts for you and all your friends to wear. The more awareness we can raise, and pride we can create in our rivers, the better. All you have to do to get one is donate at least $35 to the cause of making our city's rivers—the Calumet, Chicago and Des Plaines—awesome places to work, live and play. Proceeds will directly support MPC's work to plan more trails, update land use policies, develop great places and more—see Our Great Rivers for the full array of what's ahead.
When you donate, add the name of your shirt (see below) and specify your size and women's or men's in the Additional Information box at the bottom of the form.
The designs were created by Thirst, a communication design practice based in Chicago. The shirts are from American Apparel.
More than 6,000 Chicagoans contributed their time and ideas to making this vision happen. Our rivers have the amazing potential to become one of the city's greatest economic, cultural and recreational assets. Show your support by donating, and wear your Great Rivers Chicago t-shirt with pride!
1. Rivers Map
Available in men's sizes S-XXL and women's sizes S-XL.
2. Great Rivers Chicago
Available in women's sizes S-XL.

3. A River City
Available in men's sizes S-XXL.