Because you care about our rivers. You told us so. - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Because you care about our rivers. You told us so.

MPCer Josh Ellis jumped in the Calumet River and lived to tell the tale!

In 2015, Chicago had three rivers.

But there wasn't really a plan for what they should be like in the future. In fact, nobody really knew much about them. Some people didn't even know they existed!

That all changed this summer, when the City of Chicago, working with MPC, Friends of the Chicago River, CMAP and many others, released the first-ever long-term, coordinated vision for our rivers.

More than 6,000 people came out to tell us about their frustrations, hopes and dreams. It was the most comprehensive public outreach campaign MPC has ever embarked on in our nearly 82-year history.

The result? Our Great Rivers, a vision to give people more ways to love our rivers, businesses more reasons to thrive and plants and animals a safe place to call home.

Today, Chicago has three rivers, and a lot more people know about it. That's a pretty cool accomplishment.

But it's up to every single Chicagoan to make our collective vision come true. This #GivingTuesday, Nov. 29, if you love our rivers, if you've never been to our rivers, if you didn't even know there were three rivers in Chicago, donate any amount to make Our Great Rivers a reality.

The rivers belong to all of us.

Let's all make them great together.

On Nov. 29, come together for greater Chicago rivers. >>

Because these t-shirts are pretty cool.

Donating to make your riverfront great is pretty cool. Getting an awesome river t-shirt for doing it is even better!

Anyone who donates $35 or more to claim a share in the future of our rivers will receive a t-shirt of their choice, designed by Chicago-based communication design practice Thirst.

Show your rivers colors Nov. 29!


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Suite 1400
Chicago, Ill. 60603
312 922 5616

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For more than 85 years, the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) has partnered with communities, businesses, and governments to unleash the greatness of the Chicago region. We believe that every neighborhood has promise, every community should be heard, and every person can thrive. To tackle the toughest urban planning and development challenges, we create collaborations that change perceptions, conversations—and the status quo. Read more about our work »

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