The Chicago Community Trust announced yesterday the opening of a new round of funding to support community-led riverfront activation projects along the Chicago, Calumet and Des Plaines rivers! This request for proposals builds upon the Our Great Rivers vision and the first Our Great Rivers request for proposals in 2017, which is currently funding ten riverfront projects.
As in the first round of Our Great Rivers funding, the Trust is looking for programming, planning and projects that align with the Our Great Rivers themes—inviting, productive, and living—and combine two or more of the Trust's priority areas: sustainable development, economic development, public health and arts & culture.
This year, the Trust also expanded the list eligible suburban municipalities! In total, 21 suburban municipalities which share rivers with Chicago are eligible to apply (see the map below).

Submissions to the Our Great Rivers RFP are due June 3, 2018. Visit the Chicago Community Trust's page to learn more. There will be two information sessions about this funding opportunity, both held at the Metropolitan Planning Council (140 S. Dearborn St., #1400, Chicago IL, 60603):
Thursday, May 10, 9-11am
Monday, May 14, 6-8pm
RSVP to Angie Leyva at and please specify which date you are planning to attend.
To read more about the current Our Great Rivers projects, read the first of a ten-part series highlighting the projects!