MPC to lead national EAH working group - Metropolitan Planning Council

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MPC to lead national EAH working group

Building on MPC's expertise designing and implementing employer-assisted housing (EAH) programs, in 2011, MPC will chair the National Housing Conference's Employer-Assisted Housing Working Group. This working group convenes monthly, via conference call, to share information about EAH best practices, strategize around opportunities to create new federal incentives for EAH, and build relationships with partners to promote employer engagement in housing programs and policies.

Potential federal opportunities in 2011 include:

  • gearing up for the next surface transportation bill;
  • refining the Sustainable Communities Initiative's commitment to link jobs, housing, and transportation planning and investment; and
  • helping employers assist workers with housing through a business incentive program.  

Many housing and business organizations around the country are involved in supporting EAH programs, and a diverse group comes together for this monthly conference call. You are invited to join our working group. E-mail me, and I'll add you to the list. If you have specific questions or topics for us to discuss, please let me know.


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