Nominate now for the 2014 Burnham Award for Excellence in Planning - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Nominate now for the 2014 Burnham Award for Excellence in Planning


The Burnham Award for Excellence in Planning celebrates effective plans from around the region that have demonstrated results.

Now is the time to nominate your favorite plan for the 2014 Burnham Award for Excellence in Planning! We're accepting nominations through Wednesday, July 23, at 4 p.m. You can nominate your own plan or someone else's.

The award recognizes visionary and effective planning in the Chicago region, and will be presented at an evening event celebrating plans large and small on Thursday, Sept. 25. Past winners include the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning; Whistler Crossing, Riverdale, Ill.; and Will County, Ill.

Each nomination should demonstrate results in one or more of the following categories:

  1. Creating more livable communities through better integration of land use and housing; management of water and energy resources; improvement of parks and open space; and promotion of local food.
  2. Addressing human capital with improvements to education and workforce development; and supporting economic innovation.
  3. Improving regional mobility by investing strategically in transportation; increasing commitment to public transit; and creating a more efficient freight network.
  4. Making government more efficient by reforming state and local tax policy; improving access to information; and pursuing coordinated investments.

All submissions will be judged on whether they followed an open process and encouraged public participation. The submission must demonstrate that the plan led to results that can be measured.

Nominate today!


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