Water Supply Management - Metropolitan Planning Council

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Water Supply Management

Ensuring safe, sustainable and equitable drinking water systems

Drinking Water 1-2-3 Regional Event #3

Regional Event #3: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 8 a.m. to noon at The Centre of Elgin. Held in partnership with the Northwest Water Planning Alliance. Key event topics included free data and cost saving strategies, latest tips for water rate setting, and sensible salting practices.

Keynote: The History & Future of Elgin’s Water Supply with Mayor Dave Kaptain, City of Elgin

Topics covered (click to view slides):

1. Water Demand Forecasts Available for Communities with Nora Beck, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)

2. The Impacts of Water Conservation On Water Works System Expansion Capital Expenditures (Less Water Demand = More Money) with Jeff Freeman, Engineering Enterprises, Inc.

3. Water Pricing; Signals and Strategies with Margaret Schneemann, Illinois Indiana Sea Grant

4. Building the Foundation for Equitable Water Rates with Brian Bass, Arcadis

5. Tackling Our Increasing Chloride Issue: Sensible Salting

a. The Salinization of Our Region’s Waters with Walt Kelly, Illinois State Water Survey

b. Chloride Reduction Strategies for Local Government with Mike Reynolds, Village of Buffalo Grove

c. Chloride Emission Reduction is More than Possible in the Commercial Market; In Fact, It's Already Here! with Jim ‘Turk’ Turcan, Cornerstone Partners

d. Regional Sensible Salting Manual for Parking Lots and Sidewalks with Scott Kuykendall, McHenry County Planning & Development

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Metropolitan Planning Council 140 S. Dearborn St.
Suite 1400
Chicago, Ill. 60603
312 922 5616 info@metroplanning.org

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